subject string

英 [ˈsʌbdʒɪkt strɪŋ] 美 [ˈsʌbdʒɪkt strɪŋ]

网络  目标串



  1. The next action is to obtain the certificate's subject string and copy and paste it to the white list in an entry of LDAPVerifyCertServerName=.
  2. You would recognize a self signed certificate by the fact that subject and issuer fields contain the same string while there is no certificate attribute set indicating this is a CA certificate.
  3. A title, which expresses a short, human readable subject line for the entry, and can be a blank string ( represented by an empty title element, such as)
  4. Getting cover is, however, subject to a string of other factors, such as type of diabetes, height, weight, family history and whether or not the applicant smokes.
  5. The subject of a message is expressed as a text string.
  6. Each mass is subject to two forces, namely the tension of the string and the gravitational force.
  7. The cognitive load and word type are independent variables of which word type is within subject variable and cognitive load is the between subject variable. The cognitive load is to remember a string of letters: wsdxglzq.